Borrowing and Use
Most items have a 7-day loan period. STEAM Kits and Storytime Kits have a 14-day loan period. No items can be renewed.
The Library has a limited number of items in the collection and therefore if an item comes back late or is lost, the Library may not be able to honor reservations. The Library is not responsible if an item is returned late.
- Items must be checked out from and returned to the Customer Service Desk. They may NOT be returned in the drop box.
- Items may be reserved up to 60 days in advance.
- Reservations should be made for the date that you will pick up the item(s) at the library. If you pick up your item(s) late, you will lose that time on your reservation. Due dates WILL NOT be extended for items that have been picked up late! If you do not pick up your item on the pick-up date, your reservation may be cancelled.
- Items returned late incur a $10/day late fee.
- The library reserves 24 hours to fully check in your item upon its return. Many items have several components that need to be accounted for. The item will come off your record once staff has checked the item for all components.
- There is a maximum of 4 items per library card.
Patron Requirements to Borrow an Item
- A valid Lindenhurst Memorial Library card
- Borrowers must be 18 years or older
- Agree to the Library of Things Patron User Agreement every time an item is checked out.
Library of Things User Agreement & Liability Release
- I understand that the equipment in the Library of Things collection is for use only by Lindenhurst Memorial Library patrons 18 years or older with a library card in good standing.
- I understand that I am responsible for reading instructions and using the equipment in a safe and proper manner.
- I agree to return all components (including connections and accessories) of the equipment to Lindenhurst Memorial Library before the item is considered checked in.
- The library reserves 24 hours to inspect returned equipment before the item is considered checked in and removed from a patron’s account.
- I agree to return the equipment to the Lindenhurst Memorial Library in the same condition as it was when issued, barring normal wear and tear.
- This includes cleaning any kitchen items or other items that get dirty during its intended use.
- In the event that any borrowed equipment becomes unsafe or in a state of disrepair, I understand that I must immediately discontinue use of the equipment and notify the library of the issue on return.
- I understand that I am responsible for returning equipment in-person only, by the close of business on the due date.
- I understand that I will incur late fees for items not returned on time, and that any loss or damage of the equipment will result in a replacement fee being charged to my patron account for the full cost to replace the equipment.
- I agree that I will not use the equipment in any way that is:
- Prohibited by local, state or federal law
- Unsafe, harmful, dangerous, or poses an immediate threat to the well-being of self or others
- Obscene
- In violation of another’s intellectual property rights
- I agree that the library is not responsible for any damage to my personal materials, digital files or any manufacturing defects.
- I understand that using this equipment can be risky and agree to assume any and all risks associated with using this equipment.
I release the Lindenhurst Memorial Library, its trustees, employees, and agents, from any and all liability from any accident, claim of injury, death, and/or property loss or damage incurred by me as a result of using equipment from the Library of Things. I acknowledge that I have read the foregoing agreement and release, am executing it knowingly, voluntarily, willfully and free from any coercion, and am fully aware of its contents and legal effects.
Library of Things User Agreement & Liability Release PDF