Cucumber (Early Fortune)

Submitted by nreich on
Cucumber (Early Fortune)
  • ​​Cucumis sativus  
  • Growing Instructions  

    • Sow seeds outside in 12” diameter hills once the danger of frost has passed and the soil is warm  

    • Hills should be spaced 6’ apart in all directions  

    • Seeds should be planted at a depth of 1” or in a group of 6-8 per hill  

    • Full sunlight and constant moisture are needed 

    • To save space, provide support for the vines  

    • Ready to harvest in approximately 55-60 days  

  • Tips & Tricks  

    • When growing plants on a trellis, space seed 6-8" apart and provide guidance/train plants to climb the trellis  

    • Cucumbers are best picked at a length of 8"  

  • Seed Saving  

    • Allow cucumbers to overripen, turning yellow to orange on the vine  

    • Slice open the fruit and scoop seeds into a clean jar  

    • Cover seeds with water and allow to sit for two to four days, placing them in a jar with a loose cover or placing a paper towel over the top of the jar is best practice  

    • Viable seeds will sink to the bottom of the jar, while bad seeds and the remaining pulp will rise to the top 

    • Once everything has separated, dispose of the pulp and bad seeds on the surface of the water  

    • Fully rinse the remaining seeds in cold water 

    • Allow seeds to dry fully, in a warm area, for several days  

    • Seeds should be stored in a cool, dry place and are viable for up to five years 


Seed Type