Author: Andrew Lane
Genre: Adventure, Mystery
Format: Book
Plot: Young, well-known Sherlock Holmes and Amyus Crowe visit Sherlock’s brother in London. They visit and just simply what to have a nice conversation and lunch. However, instead of a nice pleasant time, they are greeted with the exact opposite. Mycroft, Sherlock’s brother is found holding a knife in a locked room above a dead body, the police are determined to arrest him, but Sherlock is convinced Mycroft didn’t do it. They begin their search to prove Mycroft didn’t commit the crime.
Review: This book wasn’t bad, it’s definitely enjoyable if you’re into detective and mystery stories! However, in my personal opinion, it really wasn’t the best simply because I’m not the biggest Sherlock Holmes fan. The story for me was a little bit hard to understand, but everything is really well written and it’s a great story. There’s good plot twists, and well developed characters. Each mystery leads to another, making you want to read more, it’s really a perfect choice if you want a mystery to solve.
Rating: ★★★★
~Vivian, Teen Book Reviewer