Introduce your little ones to wepa, or what is better known medically as ADHD, in both English and Spanish. This bilingual picture book helps children with self-acceptance, supportive relationships, and emotional expression.
Author/Illustrator: J. De La Vega Ages 3-7 or Grade Preschool-2
Mia Emilia Lucia Renata is constantly being told she is too loud, too messy. But what she really has is too much wepa. With the help from grandma and her friends, Mia learns to celebrate her wepa and where to find the perfect places to release it. Stop by the library to check it out today!
Let your wepa out at the library all summer long! We have lots of programs, fun crafts, a story walk, and an awesome Summer Reading Program you can join. Go to our calendar to see what we have for you!