Seed Library
Bean (Black Valentine)

Shiny black seeds in 6" pods. A great dual purpose variety, use for fresh snap beans or dry soup beans. Prolific and dependable. Tolerant of cool temperatures.
Bee's Friend Flower

This annual bears subtle lavender-blue flowers with curved spikes that not only put on a show in your garden but also attract and support many species of bees. Often used as a cover crop, this plant’s common name is a translation of Bienen-freund, German for “bee’s friend.”
Bird and Butterfly Flower Mix

This annual and perennial mixture of flowers will provide nectar to many species of butterflies, including brushfoots, monarchs, skippers, sulphurs and swallowtails. Some of these plants will also provide food for butterfly larvae.
Broccoli (De Cicco)

From midsummer until early fall, beautiful bright-orange flowers cover butterflyweed. This North American native attracts bees, hummingbirds, moths, and butterflies and is an eSeed Savers Exchangential host plant for Monarch butterflies. Blooms reliably from seed the first year, if sown early.
Carrot (Scarlet Nantes)

This variety stores well and adapts well to different conditions. Its cylindrical roots are 7" long with blunt tips, and its fine-grained, bright red-orange flesh is nearly coreless, offering great flavor that’s sweet and crisp.
Cauliflower (Early Snowball)

This variety produces delicious cauliflower heads that can be steamed, baked, roasted or eaten raw.
Cherokee Black Beans

These beans are also called Cherokee Trail of Tears Beans and are delicious as a snap bean or as dried black beans.
Cherokee Purple Tomato

The fresh leaves of this herb, commonly known as cilantro, are used in a variety of Asian and Latin cuisines, but its seeds are also collected and used as a spice called coriander. Successive sowings of this annual herb, which bears umbels of white flowers before it sets seed, will ensure a steady supply of its edible leaves throughout the season.
Cucumber (A&C Pickling Cucumber)
Eggplant (Diamond)

Known for excellent texture and flavor, this variety bears dark-purple eggplants with green-tinted flesh that are 9" long and 3" in diameter. The fruits are borne in clusters of four to six on 2'-tall plants, disease-resistant, and rarely bitter.
German Pink Tomato

This variety of beefsteak has a meaty flesh with fewer seeds, and is great for canning.
Lettuce (Green Oakleaf)

Named for its oakleaf shaped leaves, this lettuce holds well in hot weather and grows looseleaf.
Martino's Roma Tomato

These fruits grow with beautiful foliage and typically reach 2-3 ounces, great for sauces and salsas!
New England Aster

One of the tallest and most magnificent of the fall asters. Serves as an important late-season (after frost) nectar source for a variety of butterflies. Plants grow 3-6' tall and require fertile soil with adequate moisture.