Polish Language Collection
Mężczyzna, którego kochałam / Mateusz Gostyński, Ewa Reiser.
Glukozowa rewolucja : kontroluj poziom cukru we krwi, odzyskaj energię i jedz to, na co masz ochotę / Jessie Inchauspé ; przełożyła Anna Brzostowska.
Dewajtis / Maria Rodziewiczówna.
Exodus / Kate Stewart ; przełożyła Katarzyna Agnieszka Dyrek.
Łukasz Piszczek : mentalność sportowca / Łukasz Piszczek, Kamil Wódka ; ilustracje - Paweł Kryński.
Kłamstwa od serca
Śniadanie na skale
To już moje ostatnie życie
Nie mylić z miłością
Za wszelką cenę
Spanish Language Collection
Volverás a Alaska / the Great Alone
De la autora del best seller internacional El Ruiseñor, una épica historia de amor, pérdida y supervivencia que celebra la resistencia del espíritu humano y la inquebrantable fuerza de las mujeres.
Ganador en la categoría Ficción histórica en los Premios Goodreads 2018 y uno de los mejores libros de 2018 para Barnes & Noble y para Amazon.
Alaska, 1974. Indómita. Impredecible.
Y para una familia en crisis, la prueba definitiva.
Ernt Allbright vuelve de la guerra de Vietnam convertido en un hombre distinto. Incapaz de mantener un trabajo, toma una decisión impulsiva: toda su familia comenzará una nueva vida en la salvaje Alaska, la última frontera.
Con apenas 13 años, su hija Leni ansía encontrar su lugar en el mundo, mientras que su mujer, Cora, estaría dispuesta a cualquier cosa por el hombre al que ama, aunque eso signifique seguirle en su aventura hacia lo desconocido.
En una inhóspita y remota esquina del país, los Allbright encontrarán una pequeña comunidad de hombres aguerridos y mujeres aún más fuertes en la que labrarse un nuevo futuro. Allí, Leni tendrá que madurar muy deprisa, enfrentándose al desafío de una naturaleza desmesurada y cruel, a lo que oculta su propia familia y a la tormentosa relación de sus padres. Pero cuando el invierno llegue y el frío y la oscuridad lo invadan todo, madre e hija descubrirán que, en un entorno hostil, nadie puede salvarte más que tú mismo.
«Volverás a Alaska es un tiovivo de emociones intensas donde el lector queda atrapado en un entramado de personajes, cuya fuerza derrite la gélida y salvaje Alaska.» - Reyes Monforte
Lo que opina Isabel Allende sobre El Ruiseñor:
«Me entusiasmó El Ruiseñor de Kristin Hannah, una escritora con gran talento para crear historias con magníficos personajes, excelentes argumentos y fuertes emociones. ¿Se puede pedir más en una novela?»
In Kristin Hannah's The Great Alone, a desperate family seeks a new beginning in the near-isolated wilderness of Alaska only to find that their unpredictable environment is less threatening than the erratic behavior found in human nature.
#1 New York Times Instant Bestseller (February 2018)
A People "Book of the Week"
Buzzfeed's "Most Anticipated Women's Fiction Reads of 2018"
Seattle Times's "Books to Look Forward to in 2018"
Alaska, 1974. Ernt Allbright came home from the Vietnam War a changed and volatile man. When he loses yet another job, he makes the impulsive decision to move his wife and daughter north where they will live off the grid in America's last true frontier.
Cora will do anything for the man she loves, even if means following him into the unknown. Thirteen-year-old Leni, caught in the riptide of her parents' passionate, stormy relationship, has little choice but to go along, daring to hope this new land promises her family a better future.
In a wild, remote corner of Alaska, the Allbrights find a fiercely independent community of strong men and even stronger women. The long, sunlit days and the generosity of the locals make up for the newcomers' lack of preparation and dwindling resources.
But as winter approaches and darkness descends, Ernt's fragile mental state deteriorates. Soon the perils outside pale in comparison to threats from within. In their small cabin, covered in snow, blanketed in eighteen hours of night, Leni and her mother learn the terrible truth: they are on their own. -
Tiempo de Secretos
"Arethusa Clayton siempre fue una mujer muy especial... acostumbrada a salirse con la suya. Ahora ya no está, pero dejó instrucciones precisas de sus últimas voluntades. En vez de ser enterrada en la acomodada Costa Este de EE.UU., donde ella y su difunto marido criaron a sus hijos. Arethusa quiere que sus cenizas sean esparcidas en un lugar remoto de Irlanda, concretamente en unas colinas frente al mar y junto a un castillo. Todo cuanto Arethusa le explicó a su hija Faye es que creció en el seno de una familia humilde y que dejó Irlanda, sola, para empezar una nueva vida en EE.UU., como hicieron tantas personas en tiempos de adversidades. Pero ¿quién era su familia? ¿Dónde están ahora? ¿Y quién es el misterioso benefactor de una parte importante de su testamento? Arethusa ha muerto y no tiene familia cercana que pueda contar su historia. O al menos, no en esa parte del mundo. Por eso, Faye decide viajar al pintoresco pueblo de Ballinakelly, dispuesta a cumplir con el deseo de su madre y descubrir todos los secretos que allí se ocultan."--Page 4 of cover.
Tiempo de perdón / A Time for Mercy
¡Regresa Jake Brigance! El héroe de Tiempo de matar /A Time to Kill, una de las novelas más populares de nuestro tiempo, regresa ahora en un drama judicial que, según The New York Times, es "fascinante" y "lleno de suspenso".
Clanton, Mississippi. 1990. Jake Brigance se ve envuelto en un juicio profundamente divisivo cuando el tribunal lo asigna como abogado de Drew Gamble, un muchacho tímido de dieciséis años acusado de asesinar a un diputado de la ciudad. Muchos en Clanton quisieran un juicio rápido y la pena de muerte, pero Brigance investiga y descubre que hay más detalles en esa historia de lo que parece. El feroz compromiso de Jake de salvar a Drew de la cámara de gas pone en peligro su carrera, su seguridad financiera y la seguridad de su familia.
En lo que puede ser el thriller legal más personal y más logrado de la legendaria carrera de John Grisham, regresamos a Clanton, la icónica ciudad sureña de Estados Unidos, y al impresionante elenco de personajes que tantos lectores conocen y aprecian. El resultado es una novela atemporal y ricamente gratificante, llena de ingenio, drama y, sobre todo, corazón.
Rebosando con todas las intrigas habituales de un tribunal, las confabulaciones y complots de un pueblo pequeño y los sorprendentes giros de la trama, Tiempo de perdón / A Time for Mercy es el drama judicial más poderoso que John Grisham ha escrito hasta la fecha.
Siempre existe un tiempo de matar y un tiempo de justicia. Ahora llega el Tiempo de perdón.
Jake Brigance is back! The hero of A Time to Kill, one of the most popular novels of our time, returns in a courtroom drama that The New York Timessays is "riveting" and "suspenseful."
Clanton, Mississippi. 1990. Jake Brigance finds himself embroiled in a deeply divisive trial when the court appoints him attorney for Drew Gamble, a timid sixteen-year-old boy accused of murdering a local deputy. Many in Clanton want a swift trial and the death penalty, but Brigance digs in and discovers that there is more to the story than meets the eye. Jake’s fierce commitment to saving Drew from the gas chamber puts his career, his financial security, and the safety of his family on the line.
In what may be the most personal and accomplished legal thriller of John Grisham’s storied career, we deepen our acquaintance with the iconic Southern town of Clanton and the vivid cast of characters that so many readers know and cherish. The result is a richly rewarding novel that is both timely and timeless, full of wit, drama, and—most of all—heart.
Bursting with all the courthouse scheming, small-town intrigue, and stunning plot twists that have become the hallmarks of the master of the legal thriller,A Time for Mercy is John Grisham’s most powerful courtroom drama yet.
There is a time to kill and a time for justice. Now comesA Time for Mercy. -
En El Bosque de Las Historias Olvidadas
"Travis Wren tiene un talento inusual para localizar a gente perdida. Contratado como último recurso por familiares desesperados, tan solo necesita un objeto para encontrar a la persona que ha desaparecido. Cuando acepta el caso de Maggie St. James, una conocida autora de libros infantiles oscuros y macabros, termina en un lugar que muchos creían que era tan solo leyenda. Conocida como Pastoral, esta comunidad solitaria fue fundada por personas de ideas afines que perseguían una forma de vida más sencilla. Pero poco después de que Travis encuentre el lugar. desaparece. Como Maggie St. James. Años más tarde, Theo, habitante de toda la vida de Pastoral, descubre el camión abandonado de Travis más allá de los confines de la comunidad. Nadie puede entrar en ella ni abandonarla, porque siempre hay un precio que pagar: la podredumbre. Al desentrañar el misterio de lo que sucedió, se revelan secretos que Theo, su esposa, Calla, y su hermana, Bee, se ocultan entre ellos. Misterios que demuestran que su mundo perfecto y aislado no es tan seguro como ellos creían, y que la oscuridad puede adoptar muchas formas" -- Amazon.com.
Cartas a Lara
"Cuando Lara recibe un paquete lleno de cartas en plena mudanza su vida se detiene. Todo deja de importar: el traslado, su inminente boda, el comienzo de una nueva vida. Eliott, su primer amor, que desapareció diez años atrás, vuelve como el remitente de un envío que llenará el corazón de Lara con recuerdos que creía olvidados y que resurgirán del pasado con fuerza. Su vida se tambaleará entre la elección de un futuro estable junto a Harvey, el maravilloso hombre con el que Lara ha rehecho su vida o la de un destino del todo incierto. Hay amistades que surgen a primera vista como flechazos en el corazón, algunas veces la amistad se convierte en amor, y muy pocas veces, una parte de ese amor termina siendo eterno."--
No me cerrarán los labios / My Lips Will Not Be Closed
Una mujer que luchó intensamente por la emancipación femenina.
La revolución mexicana como telón de fondo. Una historia inspiradora sobre la búsqueda de libertad.
Hemila Galindo podría ser recordada por muchos motivos: alzó la voz a favor de la Revolución, accedió a la política y se convirtió en la secretaria de Venustiano Carraza, fundó la revista feminista Mujer Moderna, viajó fuera y dentro de México para promulgar su mensaje revolucionario, fue la primera mujer en presentarse a diputada federal en el país, abogó siempre por la educación, la sexualidad y la independencia económica de las mujeres, y luchó con fuerza por el sufragio femenino. Sin embargo, hoy conocemos de ella poco más que su nombre.
Esta es la novela sobre la vida y la voz de Hermila Galindo, ejemplo de desafío a lo establecido e inspiración para quienes aún luchan por sus derechos y libertades, además de una historia sobre la importancia de la amistad femenina como lazo de solidaridad y acto de resistencia.
«Creo firmemente que la mujer es digna de mejor suerte que aquella que le han deparado» —Hermila Galindo
A woman who fought earnestly for women’s emancipation.
The Mexican Revolution as a background. An inspiring story about the quest for freedom.
Hermila Galindo couldbe remembered for severalreasons: she raised her voice in favor of the Revolution, got into politics and became Venustiano Carranza’s secretary, founded the feminist magazine Mujer Moderna / Modern Woman, traveled within Mexico and abroad to carry the revolutionary message, was the first woman to run for congress in the country, lobbied constantly for education, sexuality, and financial independence for women, and fought hardly in favor of women’s suffrage. However, nowadayswe know little more than her name.
This is a novel about the life and voice of Hermila Galindo, true example of defiance against the establishment and aninspiration tothose still fighting for their rights and freedoms. It is also a story about the importance of female friendship as a bond of solidarity and an act of resistance.
“I firmly believe that women deservebetter luck than the one theywere dealt”, Hermila Galindo. -
Violeta (Spanish Edition)
La épica y emocionante historia de una mujer cuya vida abarca los momentos históricos más relevantes del siglo XX.
Desde 1920 -con la llamada «gripe española»- hasta la pandemia de 2020, la vida de Violeta será mucho más que la historia de un siglo.
Violeta viene al mundo un tormentoso día de 1920, siendo la primera niña de una familia de cinco bulliciosos hermanos. Desde el principio su vida estará marcada por acontecimientos extraordinarios, pues todavía se sienten las ondas expansivas de la Gran Guerra cuando la gripe española llega a las orillas de su país sudamericano natal, casi en el momento exacto de su nacimiento.
Gracias a la clarividencia del padre, la familia saldrá indemne de esta crisis para darse de bruces con una nueva, cuando la Gran Depresión altera la elegante vida urbana que Violeta ha conocido hasta ahora. Su familia lo perderá todo y se verá obligada a retirarse a una región salvaje y remota del país. Allí Violeta alcanzará la mayoría de edad y tendrá su primer pretendiente...
En una carta dirigida a una persona a la que ama por encima de todas las demás, Violeta rememora devastadores desengaños amorosos y romances apasionados, momentos de pobreza y también de prosperidad, pérdidas terribles e inmensas alegrías. Moldearán su vida algunos de los grandes sucesos de la historia: la lucha por los derechos de la mujer, el auge y caída de tiranos y, en última instancia, no una, sino dos pandemias.
Vista con los ojos de una mujer poseedora de una pasión, una determinación y un sentido del humor inolvidables que la sostienen a lo largo de una vida turbulenta, Isabel Allende nos regala, una vez más, una historia épica furiosamente inspiradora y profundamente emotiva.
This sweeping novel from the New York Times bestselling author of A Long Petal of the Sea tells the epic story of Violeta del Valle, a woman whose life spans one hundred years and bears witness to the greatest upheavals of the twentieth century.
Violeta comes into the world on a stormy day in 1920, the first girl in a family of five boisterous sons. From the start, her life will be marked by extraordinary events, for the ripples of the Great War are still being felt, even as the Spanish flu arrives on the shores of her South American homeland almost at the moment of her birth.
Through her father’s prescience, the family will come through that crisis unscathed, only to face a new one as the Great Depression transforms the genteel city life she has known. Her family loses all and is forced to retreat to a wild and beautiful but remote part of the country. There, she will come of age, and her first suitor will come calling...
She tells her story in the form of a letter to someone she loves above all others, recounting devastating heartbreak and passionate affairs, times of both poverty and wealth, terrible loss and immense joy. Her life will be shaped by some of the most important events of history: the fight for women’s rights, the rise and fall of tyrants, and, ultimately, not one but two pandemics.
Told through the eyes of a woman whose unforgettable passion, determination, and sense of humor will carry her through a lifetime of upheaval, Isabel Allende once more brings us an epic that is both fiercely inspiring and deeply emotional. -
Blue es una conmovedora historia sobre las segundas oportunidades y el poder del amor.
La mejor novela de la reina de la narrativa femenina, con 800 millones de ejemplares vendidos en todo el mundo, Danielle Steel.
Ginny Carter era una periodista famosa, una mujer realizada y feliz y, por encima de todo, la madre orgullosa de un niño de tres años. Hoy es la única superviviente de un accidente que le destrozó la vida. Ginny dejó el trabajo, se alejó de sus amigos y vendió sus posesiones para viajar a los lugares más peligrosos del planeta, y ayudar a mujeres y niños víctimas silenciosas de la guerra. Durante el aniversario de aquel trágico accidente, Ginny conoce a Blue Williams, un chico de trece años que vive en la calle. La mujer trata de acercarse al chaval y, poco a poco, surge el cariño, la complicidad y la sensación de amparo que ambos han perdido. Blue le ofrece a Ginny una mezcla de ingenuidad y sabiduría y ella, respeto, hasta que un nuevo revés ensombrece sus esperanzas en el futuro. Reseñas: «Tan emocionante como emotiva.»Daily Mail «[Danielle Steel es] la autora más popular del mundo.»Booklist
Ginny Carter was once a rising star in TV news, married to a top anchorman, with a three-year-old son and a full and happy life in Beverly Hills--until her whole world dissolved in a single instant on the freeway two days before Christmas. In the aftermath, she pieces her life back together and tries to find meaning in her existence as a human rights worker in the worst areas around the globe.
Then, on the anniversary of the fateful accident--and wrestling with the lure of death herself--she meets a boy who will cause her life to change forever yet again. Thirteen-year-old Blue Williams has been living on the streets, abandoned by his family, rarely attending school, and utterly alone. Following her instincts, Ginny reaches out to him. Leery of everyone, he runs from her again and again. But he always returns, and each time, their friendship grows.
Blue glows with outsized spirit and an irresistible mix of innocence and wisdom beyond his years. Ginny offers him respect as they form an unusual bond and become the family they each lost. But just as Blue is truly beginning to trust her, she learns of a shocking betrayal that he has been hiding. Is it a wound too deep to heal, or will she be able to fight the battle that will make them both whole again?
Blue is #1 New York Times bestselling author Danielle Steel at her finest, a probing and emotionally gripping story of dark secrets revealed, second chances, and the power of love and courage to overcome life's greatest challenges.
Children's Titles
LEGO® El libro de las ideas (nueva edición)
A brand new edition of the best-selling LEGO® book of all time – with hundreds of all-new models!
Unlock your imagination with this colorful treasury of more than 200 new building ideas created by LEGO® fan builders. Learn tips and tricks to become a better builder. Find out how professional LEGO designers get their ideas and meet the fan builders. Get inspired to make your own LEGO creations with ideas to build your dream home, create an alien sports center, design a time machine, grow your own brick-built rooftop garden, and much more. There is no limit when it comes to LEGO ideas. What will you build?
©2022 The LEGO Group. -
To się nie mieści w glowie
"Is it possible to make friends with a goat or take a fish for a walk of course you can also eat full bowls of violets and without fear put your fingers directly into the lion's mouth such ideas are born every day in children's heads and if you believe then read on" -
Teeny Tiendas: The Fruit Shop/La Frutería
Grab a basket and take a delightful stroll through a fruit shop in this first of a bilingual board book series that introduces the youngest of readers to the community around them.
Welcome to Mr. Manzano's fruit shop.
Bienvenido a la frutería del Señor Manzano.In Mr. Manzano's fruit shop, there are so many delicious kinds of fruit for sale-- from peaches and plums to grapefruits and guavas! Learn their names in both English and Spanish, then pick your favorite for a sweet picnic in the park. Will you choose a tart star fruit/carambola? Or a juicy watermelon/sandía? They are all so yummy! In this bilingual series from Lourdes Heuer and Zara González Hoang, readers are invited to make a stop at a different teeny tienda in each bright board book and celebrate with the vibrant, diverse community that frequents it.
Wierszowanki zasypianki
Czytajmy i śpiewajmy dzieciom kołysanki! To jedna z najmilszych form spędzania czasu z maluchem. Słysząc ciepły głos mamy lub taty, dziecko poczuje się bezpiecznie, co pomoże mu spokojnie zasnąć. Wierszowanki - zasypianki to zbiór najbardziej znanych wierszyków - kołysanek. Śpiewanie kołysanek najmłodszym jest dziś coraz rzadsze, dlatego namawiamy do sięgnięcia po tę pięknie ilustrowaną książkę. -
Brown bear, brown bear, what do you see?
The beloved classic in a Spanish language edition, now available in board book format.
Edición en español del clásico libro ilustrado Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?. Bill Martin Jr.'s rhythmic text speaks directly to young children, and Eric Carle's gorgeous illustrations hold children enraptured reading after reading.
With this translation of Oso pardo, oso pardo, ¿qué ves ahí?, Spanish-speaking and bilingual children will now be able to share the magic of the beloved Brown Bear and his friends. -
Tajemnica Szkoly
Valleby zostało zasypane fałszywymi banknotami. Wiele wskazuje na to, że pieniądze produkowane są w szkole Lassego i Mai! Żeby złapać winnego, konieczne jest nocne śledztwo i dużo sprytu w pozyskiwaniu odcisków palców. Lasse i Maja przekonają się, że ich szkoła kryje niejedną tajemnicę.
No Más Señora Mimí
De Meg Medina, ganadora de la Medalla Newbery y Embajadora Nacional de Literatura Juvenil, nos llega este conmovedor homenaje a los que cuidan a los niños y entran en su mundo lleno de ternura.
Me quito la manta y me trepo en su regazo. Me pongo su trenza encima de la boca como si fuera un bigote y ella se ríe.
Ana no puede controlar su entusiasmo. ¡Su abuela viene a vivir con ella y su mami para siempre! Seguro que Abuela va a dejar a Ana jugar cuando quiera, en vez de meterle prisa para que se vaya la escuela, como a veces hace su vecina y niñera, la señora Mimí. Es más, como le dice su compañera de clase, ¡Ana ya no necesitará que la señora Mimí la cuide! Pero la señora Mimí sabe escuchar, y se divierten mucho juntas dando de comer a las ardillas y merendando. ¿Tal vez Ana aún no esté lista para despedirse de la señora Mimí? Meg Medina, magistral narradora, ofrece una reconfortante historia que rinde homenaje a los que cuidan a los niños y a la comunidad, así como al lugar especial que ocupan en nuestras vidas. Una historia acompañada por las cálidas y expresivas ilustraciones de Brittany Cicchese. -
No Más Señora Mimí
De Meg Medina, ganadora de la Medalla Newbery y Embajadora Nacional de Literatura Juvenil, nos llega este conmovedor homenaje a los que cuidan a los niños y entran en su mundo lleno de ternura.
Me quito la manta y me trepo en su regazo. Me pongo su trenza encima de la boca como si fuera un bigote y ella se ríe.
Ana no puede controlar su entusiasmo. ¡Su abuela viene a vivir con ella y su mami para siempre! Seguro que Abuela va a dejar a Ana jugar cuando quiera, en vez de meterle prisa para que se vaya la escuela, como a veces hace su vecina y niñera, la señora Mimí. Es más, como le dice su compañera de clase, ¡Ana ya no necesitará que la señora Mimí la cuide! Pero la señora Mimí sabe escuchar, y se divierten mucho juntas dando de comer a las ardillas y merendando. ¿Tal vez Ana aún no esté lista para despedirse de la señora Mimí? Meg Medina, magistral narradora, ofrece una reconfortante historia que rinde homenaje a los que cuidan a los niños y a la comunidad, así como al lugar especial que ocupan en nuestras vidas. Una historia acompañada por las cálidas y expresivas ilustraciones de Brittany Cicchese. -
Niesamowite przygody dziesięciu skarpetek (czterech prawych i sześciu lewych)
"Czy nie zastanawialo Was, gdzie znikaja wrzucone do pralki skarpetki? Bo jest faktem, ze zniakja, skoro wsadzamy je parami, a wyjmujemy pojedyncze. Przynajmniej w domu Malej Be. Otóz zaginione skarpetki ruszaja w swiat, robia zawrotne kariery i maja swietne przygody: zostaja gwiazdami filmowymi, detektywami, mysimi mamami albo po prostu uszczelniaja wronie gniazdo."--
¡Essie! ¿Otra vez? / Again, Essie?
Celebrate diversity, math, and the power of storytelling!
¡Celebremos la diversidad, las matemáticas y el poder del cuento!
Rafael wants to protect his toys from his little sister, Essie. Gathering materials from around the house, he builds a wall tall enough and wide enough to keep her out. But will it be strong enough? And what does Essie really want? A playful exploration of physical space and geometry, featuring Chicanx (Mexican American) characters and a glossary of Spanish words.
Rafael quiere proteger sus juguetes de Essie, su hermanita. Para eso busca materiales en su casa para construir un muro que sea lo suficientemente alto y ancho como para que Essie no pase. ¿Pero ese muro será lo suficientemente fuerte? ¿Y qué quiere Essie realmente? Esta es una exploración divertida del espacio físico y de la geometría, la cual presenta personajes chicanos (mexicoamericanos) e incluye un glosario de palabras en español.
Storytelling Math celebrates children using math in their daily adventures as they play, build, and discover the world around them. Joyful stories and hands-on activities make it easy for kids and their grown-ups to explore everyday math together. Developed in collaboration with math experts at STEM education nonprofit TERC, under a grant from the Heising-Simons Foundation.
Los libros de la serie Cuentos matemáticos celebran las aventuras diarias de niños que usan las matemáticas mientras juegan, construyen y descubren el mundo que los rodea. Historias divertidas y actividades prácticas facilitan que tanto los niños como los adultos exploren juntos las matemáticas de la vida diaria. Fue desarrollada junto a expertos en el currículum STEM, pertenecientes a TERC Inc., organización sin fines de lucro, bajo una subvención otorgada por Heising-Simons Foundation.
English as a New Language Books
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation, Premium Third Edition
Gain the skills needed to converse in English with confidence!
Conversing comfortably in a new language can seem like a daunting task. This accessible guide will help you build the skills to communicate in English with confidence. The book is packed with crystal-clear explanations, numerous realistic examples, and dozens of engaging exercises to help you hone your conversation skills. You’ll learn how to introduce yourself, make appointments, strike up conversations, and much more.
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation is organized around 14 units that present specific conversational situations and common, everyday scenarios. Each unit offers helpful instructions on correct pronunciation, grammar, syntax, and word usage. The exclusive McGraw-Hill Language Lab app features streaming audio recordings of the dialogues in the book.
Practice Makes Perfect: English Conversation will help you:
• Engage in dialogues that illustrate practical conversations
• Expand your English vocabulary
• Get clarification of new concepts with numerous realistic examples
• Reinforce your new conversational skills through extensive exercises
• Test your understanding of key themes in the book
• Improve your pronunciation through audio dialogs, online and via the McGraw-Hill Language app -
English Grammar in Use Book with Answers
Raymond Murphy's English Grammar in Use is the first choice for intermediate (B1-B2) learners and covers all the grammar you will need at this level. This book with answers has clear explanations and practice exercises that have helped millions of people around the world improve their English. It is perfect for self-study and can also be used by teachers as a supplementary book in classrooms.
English for Everyone: English Vocabulary Builder
PLEASE NOTE - this is a replica of the print book and you will need paper and a pencil to complete the exercises.
This absolutely essential language guide and workbook will expand your English vocabulary in no time.
Spilling over with thousands of entries for useful words and phrases, this is the perfect study aid for any adult learning English as a foreign language.
With 3,000 words across hundreds of pages, English Vocabulary Builder brings you everything you need to know and much, much more. From activities, family, holidays, science, and work to animals, feelings, health, sports, and weather, just about every subject in the English language is covered in eye-catching, illustrative detail. All the vocabulary is shown with both UK and US spellings, and every word can be heard with its own audio recording in the accompanying app available for download. Additional interactive exercises ensure language learning is an easy, entertaining, and educational experience.
This book is part of DK's best-selling English for Everyone series, which is suitable for all levels of English language learners and provides the perfect reading companion for study, exams, work, or travel. With audio material available on the accompanying website and Android/iOS apps, there has never been a better time to learn English. -
English for Everyone: English Idioms
Are you looking to brush up on your English idioms? English for Everyone: English Idioms can help you to understand the context and use of hundreds of native English expressions.
Take your practical English usage to the next level and build your confidence in spoken and written English by visually connecting the literal and idiomatic meaning of common English phrases such as, “on cloud nine”, “snowed under”, and many more.
With supporting audio available online, sample sentences throughout the book, collocations, and common mistakes to watch out for, English for Everyone: English Idioms can help you confidently progress your English language from advanced to fluent in both social and business environments.
About English For Everyone
English for Everyone is a series of guides and practice books that support English learning for teenagers and adults from a beginner level, to intermediate, and advanced practical English. Offering a fun and easy-to-follow format that offers guidance for both teaching English as a foreign language, and a self-study approach with resources available to improve English speaking, reading, and writing.
Whether you are looking for ESL teaching resources, or a structured program for adults to learn English as a second language, the English for Everyone Series provides:
- Sample language examples: New language topics are introduced in context using clear, illustrated, and color-coded explanations
- Supporting audio: Extensive English-speaking audio materials integrated into every unit, giving vital oral and listening practice. (All supplementary audio is available on the DK English for Everyone website and IOS/Android App).
- Quick referencing: Easy-to-follow units for easy referencing and teaching
- Sentence formation guides: Visual break downs of essential English grammar for beginners, showing learners how to recreate even complex English sentences
- Visual English vocabulary cues: Lists of useful English words and common phrases with visual aids are available throughout the book
The English for Everyone Series covers the skills and topics required for all major global English-language exams and reference frameworks including:
Easy English Step-by-Step for ESL Learners, Second Edition
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Get the skills you need to begin communicating in English quickly and easily!
Communicating in a new language can be intimidating. This accessible guide will give you the tools and confidence to understand and converse in English with confidence. Based on the idea that the quickest route to learning a language is through a solid foundation in the basics, Easy English Step-by-Step, Second Edition presents a successful building block approach to mastering English, with important concepts linked together by clear explanations, appropriate exercises, and helpful answers.
The first steps introduce you to the everyday expressions of the language, allowing you to communicate in a variety of everyday situations almost immediately. Gradually, a series of interconnected steps takes you from simple to more challenging concepts at your own pace. After working through these exercises, you'll have a better grasp of the language along with the knowledge and skills you need to handle English with confidence. New to this second edition, from the accompanying McGraw-Hill Language Lab app, streaming audio recordings of everyday conversations help you improve your English pronunciation and fluency.
Easy English Step-by-Step, Second Edition features:
• Easy-to-understand grammar explanations with multiple examples
• Realistic conversations for practical situations, from shopping to getting around town and making friends
• Helpful communication strategies, including the use of gestures and body language
• Exercises to test what you’ve learned and measure your progress
• Audio recordings of lively conversations from the book, streamed via the exclusive McGraw-Hill Language Lab app
Practice Makes Perfect: Basic English, Premium Fourth Edition
Everything you need to master first-year English language essentials--clear explanations, tons of practice exercises, and NEW audio to improve your speaking and listening skills
The most effective way to learn any new language is to practice, practice, and practice some more--and no other workbooks put as much emphasis on this as the Practice Makes Perfect series. In Practice Makes Perfect: Basic English, you'll find all the practice you need, presented in easily managed short units (each taking about 20 minutes to complete), along with clear explanations of grammar and a solid grounding in basic vocabulary.
Supported by the McGraw Hill Language Lab app, this workbook also offers comprehensive digital support for speaking and listening to conversational English. Extensive audio recordings provide the answer key for select exercises, and will help you build your confidence in speaking and listening to the language. With the instruction, explanations, and extensive practice in this book, you'll gain all the knowledge a first-year student needs to know.
- Short units with key grammatical concepts and core vocabulary provide easy, bite-size lessons for your busy schedule
- Comprehensive coverage of verb tenses, irregular verbs, negative and question forms, usage of there is, be going to, and more
- Engaging review practice includes word search puzzles and scramble sentence exercises
- Designed specifically for ESL students and ideal for both self-study or to complement a first-year class
- Supported by 50 pronunciation exercises, available via McGraw Hill's exclusive Language Lab app, to practice the sounds that learners find difficult
- NEW in this edition: Audio recordings of select exercises from the book to help with your listening and speaking skills
Everyday Grammar Made Easy
Brush up on your grammar with this easy-to-understand and intuitively designed handbook that teaches crucial grammar principles using real-life examples.
With Everyday Grammar Made Easy—an essential guide for both adults and students—confidently apply perfect grammar usage by learning:
- Correct verb agreements
- Appropriate pronoun use
- Common grammar pitfalls
- Common spelling mistakes
- And more
Begin with a quick review of basic grammar concepts, then take a deeper dive into various parts of speech and the underlying principles that guide how the different grammar parts work together, and, finally, explore common grammar and spelling pitfalls, complete with right and wrong examples. Turn to the back of the book for a glossary of grammar terms, verb guides, and useful grammar resources.
With an encouraging tone to support you as you learn, sidebars to highlight important points and answer common questions, and helpful tables throughout, impeccable grammar is within your reach.
Build your grammar skills and confidence, and develop a passion for learning more!
Get a quick review of everything you forgot you knew with the Everyday Learning series from Wellfleet Press. Need a refresher course in topics like grammar and math? Then let these handy reference books be your sidekicks on your journey to higher learning. You’ll learn about timeless global topics, as well as the thought leaders responsible for some of the greatest contributions in the worlds of science, art, and more. Packed with useful information, these portable books are perfect for commuters who want to jump-start their day with useful and fun facts. With the Everyday Learning series, you’ll be an expert in any field in no time.
Other titles in this series include: Everyday Economics Made Easy, Everyday Mathematics Made Easy, Everyday Philosophy Made Easy, and Everyday Spanish Made Easy. -
Perfecting Your English Pronunciation
Eliminate your accent for complete confidence in spoken English
Accent reduction coach Susan Cameron has developed Perfecting Your English Pronunciation as a complete program to ensure that you minimize your native accent. Her proven method includes:
● a course book that explains exactly how to form the difficult sounds of English and teaches you correct tongue placement. Exercises make this more comfortable and natural for you.
● videos that features actual students executing correct mouth sounds. Through Cameron’s innovative use of hand movements to demonstrate tongue position, you too will be able to find the precise pronunciation.
● audio recordings that feature exercises and correct pronunciation for ear training. The difficult sounds of English consonants and vowels are spoken first in individual words, then phrases, and finally in complete sentences.
The second edition of Perfecting Your English Pronunciation makes all videos and almost 12 hours of audio conveniently available through streaming via the McGraw-Hill Language Lab mobile app and online at mhlanguagelab.com. This allows easy access to hundreds of model pronunciations for study and practice.
With this unique and proven program, you’ll learn to speak and present in English with confidence and fluency so that your ideas and talent – and not your accent – are in the spotlight.
Becoming a U.S. Citizen
Everything you need to become a naturalized U.S. citizen
Green card holders who take the next step and become U.S. citizens gain a host of benefits: the right to vote and apply for certain federal jobs, faster immigration for family, protection against deportation or new anti-immigration legislation, and more.
But the application process itself can be long and confusing—and at worst, create a risk of deportation. With Becoming a U.S. Citizen, you can save months, or even years, and avoid complications.
Learn how to:
• make sure you are eligible for citizenship
• understand the risks and rewards of applying
• fill out application forms
• study for the citizenship exam
• interview successfully, and
• deal with delays and setbacks.
Becoming a U.S. Citizen also shows you how to ask for a reduced fee or take advantage of special exceptions if you have a disability, are in the military, or are the spouse of a U.S. citizen.
ESL, English as a second language : writing, intermediate & advanced /