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Preparedness Month Logo

September is Preparedness Month

Every September, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) promotes National Disaster Preparedness Month through its Ready campaign. It is a perfect opportunity to remind us a disaster can occur at anytime, anywhere. Being prepared is the best thing we all can do.  
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Garden Pic

The Sustainable Home Gardener

With the ever-changing climate that often includes unpredictable and extreme weather, it is no surprise that more people are adopting sustainable gardening as a responsible way to grow plants and manage their landscape.
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SRC Adults Blog Feature Image

What We Read This Summer!

This year we had 721 participants who read 3,237 books during our Summer @ LML: All Together Now Program! Check out some of the most popular titles logged this year for every age group.
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Smoke Featured Image

Wildfires and Indoor Air Quality

Due to wildfires, the air quality of the Lindenhurst area is being effected. Please find resources below to learn more about the impact of wildfires and obtain safety information: 

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